05 Feb

Empty Treasury (Leere Kassen)

Large companies in the crisis, the state saves. Who will save small and medium enterprises from the state? The government stresses the small and medium enterprises of all relief, despite their rhetoric to support them. This has massive implications. For it is the small and medium entrepreneurs who provide not only the economic but also the social value. They remain loyal to the site. They provide employment. They represent power and responsibility.

More information about Leere Kassen

Corporate Social Responsibility

When it comes to the new mainstream, it is not enough for companies to make profits. They should also improve the social organizations. Is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for mandatory government contract for small and medium enterprises?
In particular, small and medium enterprises are faced with the challenge of making up for the lack of education of the public school system.
The train of rampant state fetishism, they are pushed to their limits.

Praise for Leere Kassen

The author describes the ruins of priorities that seemed so clear in the past. Although, as an entrepreneur in Switzerland, I had enough luck to be able to fill in my tax return myself and be spared from exorbitant fees, I find the issues of corporate social responsibility, education, sales training, health promotion, financing and bureaucracy commented by the author, Nikolaus Kimla, very real and problematic. In the light off given crisis, it is no wonder that the less neutral and more dramatic tone is set for this book. It underlines the real problems clearly, yet thanks to the context of Austrian School of Economics stays within the boundaries of reason. While learning through insight sounds good, it might not work as well as we would like.
– Fuchs Werner

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Leere Kassen
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Strategies against the excessive demands
of small and medium-sized enterprises.

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